If I watch the English movies without legend, I won't be able to understand most of the conversation. How should I follow them in such cases? Also, does watching movies help me learn the language? Thank you so much for your help.

3 Answers


Watching movies in English is a great way to practice. If you own or have rented the movie, I suggest that you watch the same movie several times. The first time, watch it with subtitles. The second time, turn the subtitles off as much as you can but turn them back on when you get confused. Keep watching the movie, keeping the subtitles off more and more until you can get all the way through without them.  This works best if you start with a short movie or TV show.


ahenus 11540
i agree with lisa and i would like to add that watching tv-series that you've already watched in your mother tongue can always be a good start. episodes are much shorter than a full movie thus they are not so time-consuming and with your background knowledge of the situations and characters, you'll have more success and understand more in the beginning than with an unknown film.


I agree with that. If you watch more english movie with subtitle, you can learn a new vocabulary. When you found some words with you dont know, you can search it on dictionary and find out what's that meaning for. And then watch the movie without subtitle, try to listen what does the movie said.

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