When English speakers speak quickly it can be difficult to understand what they are saying. And sometimes English speakers use shortened words and phrases in writing too.

Here are some popular English neologisms (short slang words):

  • Lotta = a lot of / lots of
  • Wanna = want to / want a
  • Gonna = going to
  • I'ma = to be about to
  • Gotta = got a / have got to
  • Outta = out of
  • Hafta = have to / have got to
  • Betcha = would bet you
  • Sup? = What's up?
  • Dunno = don't know
  • Sorta = sort of
  • Kinda = kind of
  • Lemme = let me
  • Gimme = give me
  • Shoulda = should have
  • Coulda = could have
  • Woulda = would have
  • Oughta = ought to / ought to have


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