Who among you here have taken the IELTS exam? What do you think is the most difficult section to pass? Is it speaking, reading, listening, or writing? Please feel free to share your experiences! Did you attended an IELTS review class or you did the training on your own?


I have taken the exam, for me the difficult part is the speaking because you need to speak English fluently and listen to the question so that you can answer the question perfectly.

10 Answers


Dionis 220

Hi, Tiffy. Speaking, reading, and writing it is easier than listening section for me, because you will only be able to listen to the questions once,so you have to listen very carefully.


I agree with you Dionis but those question aren't that difficult to answer if you pay attention on you headphone i guess and you have to read the questions before the sound starts


Native 7610

I have taken IELTS about a year ago, and I think the speaking part is the most difficult because it requiers a lot of concentration on a lot of subjects in a short time. So you have to practice a lot to be able to speak fluently.


Thank you for showing


ahenus 11540
i have already prepared (and currently am preparing) students for this type of exam. naturally, the difficulty of a task mainly depends on the student. what one finds difficult the other might find easy.

however, i can say that the difficulty in the written part is that there are various types of compositions and you need to master all of them. writing reports and essays can be very tricky because they are not so common in our everyday life.

i would say that the reading part is the least problematic.

speaking can be tricky as well if you are not used to being asked about various topics in a short time. but you can certainly prepare for it which makes it easier. some topics require mental maturity as well as language knowledge so you'd better research some questions that might arise.

the listening part can cause problems if you don't practise enough. though i must say that i really like the variety of tasks - note taking, multiple choice, short everyday conversations. you don't generally find these in other exams.


I think reading is toughest section in IELTS. There are 3 passeges in reading and you have to answer those tricky questions in an estimated time. Reading test is not that easy as it sounds. Trust me


For me, definitely reading. You have only 60 mins to answer 40 questions. Each passage is mych lionger thann TOEIC. There are tricky synonyms that you need to know, and some sections have answers spread (EX: Which paragraph contains the following info?)..


writing is the most difficult part for me, because you have to write long paragraphes in a short period of time .


i studied so hard for my ielts and i did well but reading was the toughest modules because of synonyms . you have to read alot of synonyms before going for test and you there is also time limit of 60 minutes  for solving the 40 questions so would get  one minute and thirty second .although it seems easy but it is very tricky .


Studying at the moment. I find reading quite tricky, especially on the time management factor. I think it requires a lot of practice on scanning and skimming through the text. It also involves paying attention to synonyms..


Reading, definitely. 40 questions to answer from three long passages isn't that easy. You need high level of concentration with good scanning and skimming abilities and being able to identify synonyms to scale through. It's mentally challenging and strategic section of ielts exam.



Its a exam which will get easier with practice. I have given the exam f and later I started teaching. I felt Writing was difficult as you have to understand and put your ideas or thought in a crisp and clear  way with good vocabulary. Therefore writing part need to be more focused.

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