
Who is learning the new language. What is learnt by the hardworking student? 'Who' stands for Nominative and 'Was' stands for Nominative.


Den fleissige Junge lernt die neue Sprache ? oder Der fleissige Jung lernt die neue Sprache?

Bitte um erklärung.

Vielen dank.

1 Answer


DER fleissiger Junge lernt... Nominativ. ER lernt. HE learns. Subject, actively doing something.
DAS Kind hat Hunger..... Nominativ. ES hat Hunger. , stomach is actively growling. IT is hungry
( WHO is hungry? HE/SHE/IT)

DEN is Akkusativ. WEN mag ich?? DEN JUNGEN. DAS KIND. (WHOM- I LIKE WHOM? HIM)

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