My name is Zuzana. I am from Slovakia. I am 17 years old. I love dancing , walking and running too.I don't know English verry well, but I want to be better.

6 Answers


Hello Zuzana in my opinion i can simply advise you that you should watch on different english speaking movies not only that but also prepare a schedule of learning english daily makesure you learn and talk english everyday and find someone to practise with perfectly to your ability because practise does not make perfect but perfect practise does,

Take your time to learn grammar and practise perfectly hard everyday you will know how to speak english well and fluently

Wish you all the best.


Cosmin 180
Hi, Zuzana I am cosmin We could try and practice together, see how it gets


Hi Zuzana I am Adnan I would love to English practice with you. Please let me know


sasza 230
Hi! I also looking for someone to talk/write in English together, I'm from Poland. Text me if you're interested :) Telegram: @saszapolserio2




Hi Zuzi . I am from Slovakia . I live in Košice and u ? I need practice english so I hope that u will answer me:)

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