How can I use "become/became" in real coversation? I have always problem use it. I don't know why.

4 Answers


ahenus 11540

hello there, here are my answers but please not that i'm not a native speaker, just an esl teacher.

"He has become a firefighter". - correct

"He becomes a firefighter next month". - He is going to become a firefighter next month (you need to change the tense because of the adverb of time)

"She became nurse two weeks ago". - 'a' nurse, otherwise it's correct

"He always becomes crazy when he sees meat". - correct

"How do you become a teacher?" - How can you... sounds better since you're not asking about a habit that we use present simple for.

"Should I become vegetarian?" - Should I be sounds better here but I wouldn't say that the sentence is incorrect with become. btw you need the indefinite article 'a' before vegetarian.

"I want become millionaire" or "I want be millionaire" - Is it same meaning? - again, 'a' millionaire in both. both sentences mean the same and are correct.

and what is the difference between "I would like to become an astronaut" and "I would like to be an astronaut". - I don't really feel a difference here, maybe you should ask a native speaker. sorry :/.

you're welcome :).


ahenus 11540

become can be followed by an adjective so when you want to use the informal 'get' in a sentence like 'I always get hungry when I see pizza', use 'become' instead of 'get'.

it can also be followed by a noun or a noun phrase, so for example when you get a new position at your workplace, you can say 'I've become the sales manager at xy company'.

or with other jobs: Obama became president again last year.


Preiso 720

Thank you very much, your explanation is very useful. I appreciate it, but let me ask one more.

Are these sentences correct?

"He has become a firefighter".

"He becomes a firefighter next month".

"She became nurse two weeks ago".

"He always becomes crazy when he sees meat".

"How do you become a teacher?"

"Should I become vegetarian?"

"I want become millionaire" or "I want be millionaire" - Is it same meaning?

and what is the difference between "I would like to become an astronaut" and "I would like to be an astronaut".

Thank you advance


Preiso 720

Thank you for your time. I deeply appreciate it.

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