Although i know how to improve spoken English,it need a condition,but i haven't this environment around me, who can provide a forum which is used  to communicate with english each other.or anyone who want to study Chinese, i would like to chatting between us.

3 Answers


Hi there, This is Hiro from Japan. I'm a founder of LingualBox ( and at the same time an English learner.

I came to Philippines 2 years ago for learning English and found out Filipino teachers are very good at both speaking and teaching English.

BBC NEWS - The Philippines: The world's budget English teacher

That's why I started LingualBox so that English learners anywhere in the world can take private English classes cost-effectively. (We offer 25mins private class for $2.) We open classes 24/7.

To master spoken English, I believe the best way is to speak more. 
If your budget is limited for paying $25 for hourly class, I recommend you to go for LingualBox


On Verbling you can get a private tutor or join classes, it is not free but you can enter the community that is free. There you can chat and practice.


saqiba 140
join a community and chat in english and practice alot

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