I can read ...and uderstand..but have problem in speaking...

4 Answers


You can improve your pronunciation skills with Saundz software http://saundz.com/
A good website to practice listening and speaking is this one http://capego.com/

This app for Android lets you practice speaking with native speakers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.china232.nativeenglish&hl=en

Good luck! :))


You can try LingualBox if you want to take private English classes without spending a lot of money.



The teachers are from Philippines. It is not well known that Filipino teachers are good at both speaking and teaching English, but they really is.

Moreover, their class is very cost-effective. A 25-minute class will cost only $2.


BBC also broadcasted about Filipino English teachers.

BBC NEWS - The Philippines: The world's budget English teacher



tiffy 7350
Practice. Practice. Practice. Have a daily routine in your speaking skills. You can enroll in a language training center so that you will have proper guidance. There are a lot of Youtube videos and apps you can download.

Read these tips to start with http://www.jroozreview.com/ielts-speaking-examination-tips/.

Good luck!


You can try LingualBox if you already knows basic grammar.



LingualBox teachers are from Philippines. It is not well known, but Filipino teachers are good at both speaking and teaching English.

Moreover, their class is very cost-effective. A 25-minute class will cost only $2.

BBC also broadcasted about Filipino English teachers.


BBC NEWS - The Philippines: The world's budget English teacher


Your answer

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