I want to pass German exam and get A1 or A2 certificate..What I  have to know to pass it?? What is included in the program??

4 Answers


Is not so hard, you need to know the basis, how introduce yourself and talk about you, W questions (wie, war, welche, etc). in other part you listen a conversation or a situation and you have to answer some questions. and the most important you need to write a letter, email or a postcard with different situations like invite a friend to visit to you, or ask an invitation from one of your friends, (sometimes you need to say no and explain why you can not go to visit or when you accept the invitation explains, when do you travel to visit, how (plain, train) etc) and the last part is talking with other partner and make a date to go to the movies or dinner, etc.
of course in the level A2 you need to know a little more about dativ, akkusativ.



Thank you very much.. It was very helpful.. But I have  more question...Can I manage to prepair for it in one month and by myself,without attending classes??


You can have some courses for free hier there courses for evry novel and help you to prapare your A1 und A2  certificate those courses are prepared by Deutsch Welle famous German Channel. here is the link to register youself for free http://deutschkurse.dw.de/

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