Spanish typically uses the adverbs más and menos before an adjective to indicate that something has more or less of a particular quality.Such phrases are known as comparatives.

  • Ella es inteligente. She is intelligent.
  • Ella es menos inteligente. She is less intelligent.
  • Ella es más inteligente. She is the most intelligent.

Now, when we compare a certain person or thing that has the most or the least of a quality, we use superlatives, like the most comfortable, the least interesting, or the tallest, or in Spanish, el más (the most) cómodo or el menos (the least) interesante. In Spanish, forms like '-er' or '-est' for short adjectives do not exist (más or menos are used).

  • Ella es la más inteligente. She is the most intelligent.
  • Ella es la menos inteligente. She is the least intelligent.


You can also form a superlative by adding -ísimo(s) or ísima(s) to an adjective and even some adverbs. This can translate to meanvery, really, extremely, super, or any other ultimate word you can think of.

  • ¡Esa comida es buenísima! (This food is the best!)
  • Estoy encantadísimo. (I am extremely delighted.)
  • Las chicas allí son bellísimas. (Those girls over there are really beautiful.)
  • Los abogados estan ocupadísimos. (The lawyers are super busy.)
  • ¡Llegaste tardísimo! (You arrived super late!)
  • Caminas despacísimo. (You walk extremely slowly.)
  • Ella es altísima. (She is extremely tall.)
  • Él es guapísimo. (He is extremely handsome.)

Irregular Comparatives

The following are the most common irregular comparative and superlative adjectives in Spanish and English:



Below you will find a chart of the most common irregular adjectives when it comes to the ísimo/a superlatives.


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