Please tell me, what's the differnce between  der Cousin-der Neffe and die Cousine- die Nichte?

5 Answers


Der Cousin ist ein Mann/ Junge, die Cousine ist eine Frau/ Mädchen


you are the aunt or oncle of someone you called Neffe of Nichte.

Cousin of Cousine is the child of your oncle of aunt


the kid of your uncle or aunt = your Cousin(male)/Cousine(female)
and the kid of your
 Cousin or Cousine = your Neffe(male)/Nichte(female)



Ah, interesting! In English there is no specific word for your cousin's children. Well, technically you could say second cousin, but that's rather boring and detatched-sounding, I always thought.


der Neffe / die Nichte is the kid of your sister or brother, not of  your cousin!!!

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