1_ solo and individual  2_ conventional and traditional 3_ south, southern and southerly 4_ hear (about, of, from) 5_ modern and recent 6_ ceremony, festival, feast, gala, event, and occasion 7_ each other and one another 8_ port and harbour 9_ mistake and error 10_ frontier and border 11_ location, position, situation, site and place 12_ personality and character

1 Answer


12_ personality and character

Many times the words character and personality are used interchangeably.  While related, there are distinct differences between the two words and their meanings.

Character is often used to define a person’s integrity, such as he has “upstanding character” or “his character is lacking.”  Character is actually a set of behavior traits that define what type of person you are.  Do you follow the rules of your “group?”  Many times people who do not follow the rules of the group, whether it is a family group, work group, or religious group, are not accepted by the group.    This tenant and tendency has been in place since the beginning of time.  
Are you upfront and honest when dealing with others?  People who have a positive social character are often found to be more easily trusted by others.  Again, this follows the same age-old truism mentioned above.

Personality, on the other hand, is defined as the traits with which you were born.  People tend to be either analytical in nature or socially outgoing.  Most people fall into the realm of being either extroverted or introverted.  Other common distinctions are dominant, influencing, steady, or compliant personalities.

Personality is inborn.  Character, however, comes from learned behavior in

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