Hi! I am having the interview soon and I am thinking about any methods of preparing. Could you please suggest me any of them? Maybe someone is as well interested in preparing to it as Accounting Assistant? Thank you for any answer

4 Answers


tiffy 7350

Hi there! Be confident in answering the questions. Here's a very useful post from Career Monster http://career-advice.monster.com/job-interview/interview-questions/top-10-interview-questions-prep/article.aspx.

The IELTS speaking is an interview-type of test, where you usually have a one-on-one conversation with a native speaker. Here are tips for you to get started:


Good luck!



They usually ask these kind of questions,it will be good for you,if you believe in answering them not that hard.

  • Communication skills
  • Honesty
  • İnterpersonal skills
  • Strong Work ethic
  • Team work skills (By the way Teams don't always work,you need to find a way)
  • Analytic skills


What about on a grup interview? What should you say? thx


In addition to previous comments ...

Most good interviewers want you to answer three key questions ...

1. Can you do the job? Do you have education, skills, experience ...

2. Are you motivated, do you want this job? You need to come across energetic and enthusiastic, etc.

3. Will we be able to tolerate you :-) ? Are you a team player, are you responsible, trustworthy, etc.

They will not ask the above directly, but will get the ianswers through other questions.


Another thing, use as many examples from your school or previous jobs. There are always questions along the lines of - can you tell me how you would handle situation X?

A great way to answer that question would be to say - As a matter of fact I came across a situation like this when working for ABC company.

1. Here is exactly what happened.

2. Here is what I / my team did.

3. Here is the result / outcome

4. Here is what I have learned.

Be brief and to the point.

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