I'm seeking for a friend with whom I can exchange e-mails. As for me, my name's Julia and I'm from Ukraine. I'm not divorced and have got a daughter. My Ukrainian friends usually don't speak English well. That's why I'd like to find a native speaker to communicate with.

4 Answers


Hi! Well, try me then. My name is Robert, I am from the Netherlands and I speak near-native English. I have a habit of correcting native English speakers ;-) Please find out if I am interesting enough, and educated enough to suit your taste! Best regards, Rob


ok pls text to my email to my address below



Hi Julia

My name is Adel Abdelhamid, and i'm a British citizen of Egyptian origin.

I live in Cambridge, England.

If you want we can exchange emails on my account: dkishot@ymail.com.

What languages do you speak?


Hiii my name is shilpi I am from India. But Julia 1st thingI nneed shear with you that I am also not good in English but I want chat witj you I thik it can help ourselves

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