1. Labyrinth-  Lab +y+ rin + th
  2. Hippopotamus- Hip + pop + ota + mus
  3. Obeisance -
  4. Horsd’oeuvre- appetizer -
  5. Appetite -
  6. Appetizer
  7. Honoris causa- for the honor
  8. Honor/ honour – both correct
  9. Lascivious- Las+civi+ous
  10. Rejuvenation – Rejuve+ nation
  11. Incumbent – Incum +bent
  12. Embarrassment – Em + bar+ rass+ ment
  13. Jewellery- Jewel +lery
  14. Satellite – Sate + ll+ ite
  15. Distillery – Distil + lery
  16. Occasion- Occ+asion
  17. Committee
  18. Possession- Possess + ion
  19. Grievance- not grieverance ONLY griev+ ance
  20. Belligerent-  Bell + ige + rent
  21. Cemetery- not cemetery or cemet ry
  22. Commander- not commandor it is COMMAND ER
  23. Remuneration- not Remmuneration
  24. Commitment- Commit+ment
  25. Versatile- Versa+ tile
  26. Necessary
  27. Commensurate- Com+men+sur+ate
  28. Superintendent- super+in+ ten+dent
  29. Temperament- temp+era+ment
  30. Sacrilegious- Sacri+leg+ious
  31. Omission- O+mission
  32. Deceive- Deceive
  33. Counterfeit- Counter+ feit
  34. Receive- not reci eve
  35. Suppress- (dabana to 2 time pp 2 time ss)
  36. Inaugurate- in+aug (august)+ u+ rate (Movies)
  37. Integrity- not integr ety
  38. Grandeur
  39. Pretension- Pre+tension
  40. Ludicrous
  41. Negligence
  42. Recuperate- Re+cup+e+rate
  43. Clandestine- not clandenstine
  44. Legendary- legend+ary
  45. Acquaintance
  46. Apprentice
  47. Indigenous- indi+gen+ous
  48. Lackadaisical- lack+ada+I S i+ cal
  49. Colleague- Col+league
  50. Lieutenant- lie +e +tenant
  51. Corrigendum
  52. Prevalent
  53. Millennium
  54. Accommodation
  55. Pitiable – Pit (me)+I (am)+able
  56. Skilful-
  57. Grateful
  58. Illustrious
  59. Receding
  60. Sovereignty- So(100) Ver(pati) eighty mai h ki jagah n
  61. Harassment- Har+ ass+ ment
  62. Supersede- Super+ sede (not cede)
  63. Entrepreneur- Entre+pre+neur
  64. Interregnum
  65. Puerile
  66. Advisable
  67. Leisure
  68. Rapprochement
  69. Exaggerate
  70. Brethren
  71. Adulteration
  72. Translucent- Trans(transparent)+ Lucent(lucent ki book)
  73. Kaleidoscope- Kal+ eido+scope
  74. Achievement- achieve +ment
  75. Sustenance-
  76. Tariff – Tar+iff
  77. Passenger
  78. Commission- Com (Hindi wala com) +mission
  79. Sedentary
  80. Accessible
  81. Psychology
  82. Commemorate- Com + memorate (Come lete memorate her)
  83. Restaurant- Rest +aura
  84. Itinerary-
  85. Fascist-
  86. Simultaneous
  87. Equanimity
  88. Rehearsal
  89. Quintessence
  90. Saccharine
  91. Forfeit
  92. Alienate
  93. Definite
  94. Sophisticate
  95. Reliable
  96. Exquisite
  97. Omelette
  98. Occasional
  99. Compulsory
  100. Effervescent

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