Simple Sentences used in Congratulations.
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Simple Sentences used in Congratulations.
In English, congratulations is usually used as a form of praise when someone achieves something special or unusual, for example when someone:
Simple Sentences used in Congratulations :
When you want to say someone has done well on a project, taught a class well, given a good speech, or generally done something well, you can say:
Hats off!
The phrase hats off, while often said to graduates wearing the illustrious cap and gown, has nothing to do with the tradition of tossing hats in the air in celebration.
This slang shortening of properarose in the 1990s and refers to respect and esteem.
Three cheers!
Three cheers is generally followed by “for” and the name of the person or thing being celebrated. A person being cheersedmight also respond to a toast of three cheers with the wordcheers, which, especially in the UK, can mean “thanks.”
Hip, hip, hurrah!
For some Victorian flair, opt for the ever-cheery hip, hip, hurrah!