These acronyms are negotiation positions. i.e. WATNA = Worst Alternative to Negotiated Agreement, WAP = Walk Away Point, ZOPA = Zone of Possible Agreement.  BATNA = Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement,  (French is MESORE (Meilleure solution de rechange à une entente négociée dans une situation donnée).   MLATNA = Most likely Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. Truly don't know translation and if they are even used in French or is the English Acronym used in business environment English or French.  Help please!

1 Answer


BATNA = MESORE (MEilleure SOlution de REchange)

WATNA = PISORE (PIre SOlution de  REchange)

WAP = Point de Rupture

ZOPA = ZAP (Zone d'Accords Possible)


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