1. I … the university last year.

(a) … had entered… b) … have entered… c) … entered…

2.Be attentive! The teacher … the new rules.

(a)… explains… b) … is explaining… c) … was explaining…

3. Does he … English well?

(a)…speaks… b) … speak… c) … spoke…

4. He usually … to work at 8 o’clock.

(a)… has come… b) … come… c) … comes…

5. We … from the university in four years.

(a)… is graduating… b) … have graduated… c) … shall graduate…

3 Answers



Here are the answers: c,b,b,c and c.




1.  I entered the university last year.

2. Be attentive! The teacher is explaining the new rules.

3. Does he speak English well?

4. He usually comes to work  at 8 o"clock.

5. We have graduated from the university in four years.


Bushra 140
1.c 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.c

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