Hey I want to know who your favorite online English teachers are and post some of their videos. My top 3 are as follows. By the way I'm putting myself as number 3. lol

  1. A.J Hoge

  2. Philochko

  3. Ron G

6 Answers


there is no one who teaches me online.. i learn from institude where four have taught me so far and they all are fab especailly my Ex teacher sir Amir and sir Amaan they have done splendid job in ALC word are less to praise them... here are my teachers name.. 1) Sir Amir

2) Sir Amaan

3) Miss Sadia

3) Miss Gloria
i'm still learning by Miss Gloria :)


Heba 140

No it's wrong question you can't compare between them because each one of them teach a different point .


Jade Joddle, Speking Skills Coaching.

JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)

Rebecca engVid RebeccaESL


Ok I learned something new today, I didn't know about touchy and feely before :).

By the way I like all three of them. The first one speaks very clearly, I like that; the second one is funny; the last one is good with examples.


Learn English with Ronnie ;) quite funny and enjoyable


Many Thanks for all teachers !

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