I have taught English for over 7 years and host two English podcasts. I am always interested in what struggles or problems English learners have when learning English. Please let me know what struggles you have and I will try to comment below with ways to fix it. Ask me anything.


I want  learning  English  i don't  know  sistem


Hi there, Can you explain the grammatical reason for the use of "If i were" instead of "If I was".
Thanks in advance.


Hi teacher :)

I have a question. I am reading the listed topics of writing essay and wondering. Some of them are set in the form of question, right? For example, 'how you would spend a million dollars.' I wonder why they don't add question mark in the end of the sentence? and change the position of 'would', which should be added before 'you'?

Or is it not a question? and what else it shoule be called? affirmative?

Thank you in advance :)

35 Answers


DJOY 410

Hi Ron, firstly I want to thank you for opening such a nice thread. You are really appreciated.

Can you give me suggestion regarding English fluency in English speaking? I really need to be fluent in English but since I do not have anyone known to talk in English with, I am badly struggling in this case. Waiting for your suggestion.

lastly, can I have your skype ID please or would you kindly add me on skype ? My skyep name: IZ Djoy

Thank you.


I use two great website when practicing the languages I learn. I use www.busuu.com and italki.com both sites are excellent and free. You can find many native English speakers to talk with. In regards to improving your fluency once again it is important to listen and observe a lot of English. I recommend listening to English podcasts. I would often make my students watch a TV show called Seinfeld then discuss the episode in partners. You can discuss the topics of the show with people from italki and busuu. Seinfeld is one of the greatest shows to improve English. I know everybody loves to watch Friends to improve their English but Seinfeld is and will always be the greatest show to not only improve your English but to enjoy your understanding of the English language.


Hi (commented), is it possible for me to add you up as one of our Whatsapp members? We have a lot of members from a different Europe and Asian country who interest in learning English. Unfortunately, we lack teacher to be asked or corrected us if we are confused about certain things. It would be my pleasure if you could agreed with my humble request. Thank You In Advance.


Trang 220

Hello, nice to meet you. Can you help me?? I have studied English a long time but I always feel my ability is so bad. It makes me confuse and worry when speaking English. Perhaps, my grammar is not good. I really worry about it. Thank you so much.


Don't worry when speaking English. Its okay to make mistakes. That is just part of learning. If you want to improve your grammar read as many Agatha Christie books as possible. She writes a lot of mystery novels and reading her books will help you understand and improve your grammar much quicker than reading or studying from other text books.


I do know what to follow in the sentence during conversation. I also want to learn english.


The best way to continue a conversation with someone is by continuing to ask them questions. These are questions you can ask anyone about any topics to continue a conversation. 1. How do you feel about that? 2. What made you want to do that or go there?


Trang 220

Thank you so so much. I'll will try right now and if I have any trouble, I will tell you.


Hi, I always have the worst problems when I talk about my past, because I never know when to use ,,have been/have had'' or just ,,was/had''. I try to learn this from many textbooks again and again, but I still don't understand it and it is still difficult for me to think quickly what to use while talking... Thank you for any help.


Has is used for a third person ( noun or pronoun), to denote possession. He (Jack) has, she (Isabel) has, and it( the cat) has. Have is used for the other nouns and pronouns: I have a pen (or pens), We have a pen (or pens), You (singular&plural) have, They have.

Has and Have are also used as helping verbs in forming the present perfect tense -- not as indicator of possession-- : I have told her. She has told me. We have told you. You have told me. They have told me.He has told them (or her). The past tense form of Have and Has is Had.. it works for all nouns and pronouns to indicate possession (in the past): -I had a nice car. She Had a blue skirt. We Had time for it. or as a helping verb to form the past perfect tense: I had seen her. Wed Had seen them. He had read the letter etc.

Have and Had are also used to indicate eating drinking etc. I have breakfast. We had dinner. They had nice time last night.


Thank you for your answer, however that's not what I mean. I have a problem with using present perfect and past tense, I don't understand the difference between it. Hana.


"I have been reading all day" VS "I was reading when you called" (ALSO "I was reading at 5")

(use this to refer to something going on for a specified period of time in the past with a beginning and an end and the latter for actions interrupted or going on at a specified moment in the past without specifying beginning and end)

"I have had a bad day" VS "I had a cookie yesterday"

(the first form is merging with the latter recently. However, "grammar" says that the first refers to a non-specified moment in the past, which is not concluded, the latter makes reference to a specific moment in the past.)


Hi, I am a new member I have been learning English for a long time and I try to practice it almost every day, but I cant speak English very well,and most of time I make a lot of mistake when I am talking to a native they can understand me but when they are talking it is difficult for me to understand them. How can I make less my problem and how can improve my speaking. Best regard


First of all don't worry about the mistakes you make when talking with a foreigner. Actually when you are having a conversation with them tell them that you make mistakes in English and ask them to correct you whenever you speak. This will help you improve a lot. Also next time before you know you are going to speak with a foreigner think of a topic you will talk about and words that you want to practice conversing about. This way when you are talking with the foreigner you can practice the new English and thoughts that you were working on.


sina 100

Hi my teacher main problem in learn english i think its we dont learn in order 4 skills and we attempt to learn the skill that we are very good on it


The skills we need to have when learning English are speaking, writing, listening, and reading. The fact is that when you use one of these skills you are actually practicing many of your other skills. Reading a book actually improves all of these skills. You learn to understand what the author is saying when reading. You learn how the author writes, and you even learn how people speak in real conversations from the book. Read a lot of fiction books to improve all of your skills. That is why it is so important to teach kids at a young age to become good readers.


alirad 160

I find it difficult to write or speak English but I understand the person who speaks with me.And understand what i read...I hope to learn it well


A site that I would recommend to you is italki.com or busuu.com they both have writing exercises that you can do for free and how other people correct your writing. Its a great way to improve your writing skills and you can also find partners online to practice your English with.


Hello.. I have a problem with my English. It seems that I speak English with Indonesian sense. So, it doesn't in English sense. Also I always forget about grammar when I speak.


bana 250

Hi, Could you explain comperative?


Usually a comparative adjective is used after the word, then. They are also used to clarify the difference between two nouns. For example, my new girlfriend is better than my old girlfriend. So you can see that new and old, are the comparative adjectives of the noun, girlfriends.


Ron G 1720

The best way to improve your writing is by reading fiction books. The more you read fiction novels the better your writing will get. Your brain automatically learns how to write from reading those types of books. I recommend starting with teen novels. Try R.L Stine Fear Street series, or Hardy Boys. I found this great article on the web that helps explain when to insert a, or an. Enjoy! http://www.wikihow.com/Use-%22A%22-and-%22An%22-Correctly

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