How to cancel membership with one month notice?

1 Answer


Mideli 1170

Here is a model for the Membership Cancellation Letter:

Sender and address.


Recipient Name or/and Company Name, and addresss.

Dear Name Surename,

I would like to cancel my membership for Company Name with account number (if you have it). I am canceling it because ...(your reason).

If you use a free trial, you can add:

When I signed up for this service, it was just to try the free trial and to see if I liked the service.

And can add what you didn't like there.

If you've paid in advance for a bigger period than one month, add:

I would like to be refunded the full amount of my my membership dues.

And attach the payment proof if you have it.

End the letter like this:

I would appreciate you cancelling this membership effective immediately. If you have any questions, I can be reached at contact number/email.

Your signature over your printed name (and title if it is necessary). Your address and contact number/email.

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