Are there people to exchange their ideas / comments / phrases / Progress...?

2 Answers



I'm learning Chinese for about two months. I tried to do it alone, online, but it is very hard.

I suggest you to find teacher, because every word in chinese got five different akcents and all of them different meaning. For example, wrong akcent of word MA (which in "first akcent" means mother) can mean horse (if you say it in "third akcent").

So, don't learn it without teacher. :)


You can participate in a language exchange!  It's free and you can learn while making a new friend!  I am currently teaching English in China, and I have many students who have expressed interest in participating in a language exchange.  The name of the University is Qufu Normal University.  It could be a great way for you to practice your Chinese and for my students to improve their English.  Send me a not with your email, and I will have a student contact you.

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