I'd like to know if I am right, please: the verb CAN can be used in the Past (COULD), in the Present (CAN) and in the Conditional (Could). Since the verb CAN can't be used in the Future, we substitute it by WILL BE ABLE TO or MAY, being careful not to change the meaning. MUST can be used in the Present. In the past we use HAD TO, in the Future we use WILL HAVE TO and in the Conditional, we use WOULD HAVE TO. We use SHOULD in the Past, SHALL in the Present, SHOULD in the Conditional, but what do we use in the Future? And what about MAY and Might? And OUGHT TO? Is there a chart showing the anomalous verbs, the tenses they can be used and the substitutions we can make in the tenses they can't be used? Thank you very much! Hugs!
In which tenses can the anomalous verbs be used?