I can't find a good way to improve my English and when I ask anyone about this they just tell me I have to change my way of studing.


I am a Chinese, i would like to communicate with others who like Chinese.

4 Answers


Immerse yourself in the language. Meaning that you must listen to it everyday as much as possible with subtitles. Write it often, speak it often. In your head, in every situation, think of how you would say what you want in English. Also, read as much as possible. If you have questions email me. I can speak French, Italian, Portuguese, and German on and intermediate level if you speak any of those languages as your first language. Good luck.


merci bien, mois, je m’exprime relativement bien en français et en anglais mais j'écris très mal (orthographe sur tout) et je ne trouve pas de moyen pour depasser cette faiblesse, je suscite vos conseils, re-merci


You need to do more practice and keep communicating with the native people so that they can point out your mistakes and correct them. And try to be more social so that you can start communicating easily. I can say that because i am learning french and this way is really helpful. I hope this will help you too :-)


hello there. well, to me it works when i read (books, texts, comic books, magazines, gossips, everything is a source of knowledge - on language) and watching videos classes. of course you can do anything that suit you better, as talking with a native frequently, studying lyrics of your favourite songs, write if you're fond of it and the list goes on and on. It is just a matter of time to discover what is the better way for you, the truth is, if you work hard you'll be as good as any other student soon. the sky is the limit. good luck


Astheart 2940
The thing is that each of us has got his own way of learning...  So, it is not easy to help you.

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