If you know any of them, please write :) It's really hard to me remember new words in foregin language.

3 Answers


relating something to the word you're trying to memorize is a quick method to get a rich vocabulary. for example: You can write sentences with the word you want to memorize.


Read,.. It all starts there. don't learn it by word, but by context (how it's used in as sentence). When you can't understand a paragraph or a sentence, your curiosity will help you remember that word. Don't forget to higlight that sentence and make sure to test yourself next time if you can still remember what that word means in that context.

Reading a word, then the meaning is a bit boring. I read instead. I get entertained, and I also learn.

Hope that helps :)


I can recommend flash cards method. It's really helpful, because you see word in your language and then answer in language which you wanna learn and if you answer correct, you put them on one sight. If your answer is bad, you take this card on another sight and you revise them :)

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