What do you think about speaking fluently any easy way ? Please, could you tell me? Some advices...

5 Answers


It's best to talk with someone everyday, when you use the language on everyday basis you become fluent in it. So practice, practice, practice. :)


You can also try this software that teaches you pronunciation: http://qa1.thinknologies.com/qa_saundz/guided-tour/


tiffy 7350

Make it a daily habit. Practice everyday and never be afraid to commit mistakes since these can improve the way we talk. Here, try some of the tips below:




Just keep in mind that where there is a will there is a way.  So you have to opt some solid norms as

1. Be resoluted and beleive in yourself that you Can do it

2. Never hesitate during speaking

3. don't feel embarresed on mistake durig speaking

4. try to boost up your confidence level

5. learn some new words useable in daily routin and utilise them openly

6. speak some loudly so for other person can hear you

7. read some bookish material for learning

8. never give up your effort be happy



Singing !!! everytime wiht subtitules

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