Are there any easy way to categorize the Artikels (der - die - das)

3 Answers


I think it is soo hard for do ıt but we can attach the the object with their states,for examples knife,spoon,fork(n,m,f)(s,r,e)  shape of the knıfe (das messer) like notr things just one side, but shape of the spoon(der löffer)  carried something like mans in the word :) the shape of the fork is cavity ıt just my idea thanks.


I think you can definately learn few of the trinks mentioned above, but remembering all of them again would be mind boggling. The best way is to read as much as you can.:)



nouns ending with:

-or: der Diktator (dictator), der Motor (motor, engine), der Horror (horror)

-ling: der Lehrling (trainee), der Häuptling (chief), der Feigling (coward)

-ismus: der Mechanismus (mechanism), der Kapitalismus (capitalism), der Organismus (organism), der Faschismus (fascism), der Kommunismus (communism), etc.

-ig: der König (king), der Honig (honey)

-er (referring to a male person/profession): der Kaiser (emperor), der Kanzler (chancellor), der Kellner (waiter), der Lehrer (teacher), der Sänger (singer), etc.


nouns ending with:

-ung: die Globalisierung (globalisation), die Zeitung (newspaper), die Meinung (opinion), die Heizung (heating), die Verletzung (injury)

-keit: die Sauberkeit (cleanness), die Einsamkeit (loneliness)

-heit: die Freiheit (freedom), die Klugheit (intelligence), die Schönheit (beauty), die Weisheit (wisdom)

-schaft: die Gesellschaft (society), die Herrschaft (reign), die Freundschaft (friendship)

-(i)tät: die Realität (reality), die Universität (university), die Fakultät (faculty)

-ik: die Hektik (hecitc pace), die Panik (panic), die Klassik (classic)

-ion: die Station (station), die Aktion (action), die Version (version), die Saison (season), die Union (union)

-(er)in (referring to a female person/profession): die Kaiserin (empress), die Kanzlerin (chancellor), die Kellnerin (waitress), die Lehrerin (teacher), die Sängerin (singer), die Studentin (student)


nouns ending with:

-chen (mostly used as diminutive): das Mädchen (girl), das Kaninchen (bunny), das Meerschweinchen (guinea pig), das Männchen (male), das Kätzchen (small cat)

-lein (mostly used as diminutive): das Männlein (small man)

-(t)um: das Forum (forum), das Ultimatum (ultimatum), das Christentum (christianity), das Judentum (judaism), das Heiligtum (shrine)

-ment: das Monument (monument), das Testament (last will and testament)

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