I want to know everything about christian religion .

I need a christian friend to help me .


5 Answers


Christian religion is important, beacause Jesus is the God's son, He has the salvation, so I trust in Him. We can feel His spirit every time, He is real!


my religion is islam


My religion is christian. I was baptized but I do not practice my religion.

I supose to go to church every Sunday but I do not do so.

However I believe in a unique loving God that looks after us, in the respect to any kind of life; humans and animals. In anyway that you care for others is eventually compensated, no necesarily in our person but in our surrounding.

The things we made for others create a better life for every one and our actions are multiplied on human benefit.

If we can contribute to create goodness and teaching the child to be good with animals and humans as they may want to be treated, we can make a better life around the world despite religions.

Because for me, all religions should be teaching how to become a good man, and be good to others.

I know. It is utopic but constructing our world with one or two good men can change the outcome.


I suggest going to Christian websites just by simply googling Christianity help. Read a Bible or go to a local church!


Dear Ahmad, 

You posted a question about wanting to know all about Christianity. 

If you are still interested, then zip me an email back with any questions you have and I will make sure to get back to you. 

I am very capable of answering your questions. 

I have created and ESL English Curriculum to teach English using the Life of Jesus. Let me know if you are interested. If you just have a few questions, I'd be happy to answer them and we can dialogue. 


Willow from the USA

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