How Can I Convey My Thanks To Attending Guests?

3 Answers


Native 7610

Thank you for coming. We'd been looking forward to seeing you for a long time.


Mideli 1170

It was/is certainly a pleasant surprise to see you! Thanks for your kindness and generosity.

If it is a special event, you can add: Your presence at the event made the day truly memorable.

If it is a very important person for you: Your visit was a compliment to us.

If you are a little busy, you can add: I wish we would have had more time to talk, but perhaps that will happen another day.


I hope you have had a wonderfull lodgment! We are very  greatful that you choose  our hotel for your summer holidays!! We always do the best for our guests .  Thank you for comming!! See you soon ,  and have a nice journey!!

Thank you, Madam/Sir, for comming !! We are looking forward from hearing from you . It was a pleasure to served you all the week.

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