Dear dear friends! I'm Vietnamese. I love English and it is the only way for me to escape the boring and poor life. But I cant find the trust way to do it. I cant understand what they say. If U write a word down, I can know that but i cant see the same if I listen. So, Pls help me. Thanks a lot.


Hi, I am an English teacher. I can send you many links to good websites to help you listen to English. This site is also a very good site. If you join me on Facebook I am always forwarding links on there to help people,( search Ajarn Dai Williams on Facebook )I can also help you on Skype in the future if you like . Where do you live in Vietnam? I am thinking of coming on holiday in October to the Danang area.

18 Answers


Yes, TV series can be a mediate solution. They're short but interesting enough and the real-life setting helps people not only get used to natural speech but also learn about casual communication.


I hope the following link will help. You can find an ocean size of listening and comprehension exercises from the beginner to the advanced level. link text


Max 140

I listening ESL Podcasts (for english second language) with transcripts. Something like that .


Podcasts are great, especially the ones that were made for ESL students. For more advanced learning, you should try to use radio. It surely is tough.


Mario 140

Hi Everybody It seems listening a lot of time is key to success.


Hi Dear, I'm Fran, an Italian teacher. Some month ago I joined Exchange conersation, a good website where you can find people who speak English and want learning your language. You can look for somebody who has your interests to have something to talk about. Then you can contact him/her by email and send/get the Skype_id. Everyday I speak with someone in English and I have imporoved my listening skills a lot. I wish you the best Bye Fran


Listen the BBC podcasts -


Hi, I think the fast and effecitve way to good at listening is fix your pronounciation. IF you dont have a good pronounciation, it 'll so difficul to listen.

When you have a accurate pronociation, your work just is listen english as much as possible. Of course you should begin with something easy.

Good luck for you.

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