
 my question is, can I say this?

 there are fantastic mobile phones  with whom you can talk, listen to music, watch videos, surf the internet, watch your mailbox or take photographs.

 my problem is about using infinitive or verb+ing, although I think in this case, I have to use infinitive ( because of the verb can)

2 Answers


Your statement is unclear since you use the word "whom" to refer to a cell phone, an inanimate object. Once you clear that up, your use of the infinitive is correct. The important thing is to have agreement among your references -- all infinitives or all gerunds (-ing words). To use the -ing form, you would need to change you sentence structure to something like the following:

Some mobile phones have fantastic uses including talking on the phone, listening to music, watching videos, surfing the internet, watching your mailbox, and taking photographs.


if you are doing something at present,you have add ing with the verb

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