additional,in the negative we put S in the end of verb? (when we use with singular person) one more.please,if i use auxiliary verb Is,Am and Are instead DO and Does in the negative(form :i'm not,it's not,you aren't by putting auxiliary verb in front of verb) and affirmative sentences(form:i'm,it's,you're by putting auxiliary verb in front of verb)then, what will happen? is it alright?

for example: i am not see you.(negative sentence)

             i am see you(affirmative sentence)    Thanks you very much.

1 Answer


"Am, is and are" are the present simple of the verb TO BE. (I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are), which is different from the present simple of the rest of the verbs. <   

When you have to write it in the negative form, you only have to add "NOT". You don't need to use DO or DOES with the verb TO BE. And if a question is made with the verb TO BE, you must answer it with the same verb...
<< You are a film star >> <<You aren't a film star >> << Are you a film star? Yes, I am //  No, I'm not >>  
[[[You can't answer  'Yes, I do // No, I don't , because the question is not made with DO]]]

When using the present simple of the rest of the verbs, you only have to add an "S", in affirmatives, when you speak about a third person (he/she/it).   But only in affirmative sentences!!
<< She plays in the park every day >>  << He lives in Spain >>

Thinking about questions and negatives sentences, you have to use DO (with I, You, We and They) and DOES (with He, She, It).
When the auxiliary DOES is used, the "S" of he/she/it disappears, because the auxiliary shows that we are already talking about 'he, she or it'.  
<< Does she play in the park every day? >>  << Yes, she does // No, she doesn´t >>  
<< Does he live in Spain? >>  << Yes, he does // No, he doesn't >>
<< Do you eat apples? >>  << Yes, I do // No, I don't >>
[ You can't answer any of this question with ' Yes, she is // Yes, he is //  or   Yes, I am. That's wrong!! You have to answer with the DO or DOES, because the question is made with DO or DOES.



thanks you so much,i owe you.

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