How to have British accent? Which accent is better? English or American?
7 Answers
Use either one. Just try to be consistent. Remember that there are quite a few more differences between American and British English than the accent; spelling, vocabulary, idioms, phrases, etc.
Nowadays more people are exposed to the American English, mainly because of the movies and entertainment. And most importantly because of business and technology.
Good luck.
Both are good.
Here are some vocabulary terms used by British and American.
There is a difference between an accent and pronunciation - if you are not a native speaker, you are unlikely to develop an accent (some people may, but usually only if they've been living in the country). I would agree with the person above who suggests that you should be consistent. No one accent is "better" than another - a personal preference may be based on personal bias (especially with native speakers) or personal experience.
As above, there is more than one British accent - what I think you are referring to is Received Pronunciation. It is true that most British accents do not have /r/ prounounced after a vowel, but your suggested pronciations of <word> and <forward> are not what I would say were typical. <Word> has the same vowel as girl, curl, burn, not like card, and <forward> doesn't have a strong vowel sound in the second syllable, more sort of "forewuhd".
As above, there is more than one British accent - what I think you are referring to is Received Pronunciation. It is true that most British accents do not have /r/ prounounced after a vowel, but your suggested pronciations of <word> and <forward> are not what I would say were typical. <Word> has the same vowel as girl, curl, burn, not like card, and <forward> doesn't have a strong vowel sound in the second syllable, more sort of "forewuhd".
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