One of my Ss learnt some USA English in the past and now he is trying to retake it with me, who incidentally have a CPE and acquired my L2 in Australia and he argues over the use of  the word "bit" .He says that in USA it can only be use as "just a bit".....and can't understand that it is a simple word , a noun, susceptible to be used with a quantifier or not! What do you think?

3 Answers


"Bit" can absolutely be used with an adjective (a "quantifier")!  For example:

Question:  Did you enjoy the show?

Answer: A little bit.


Example: In the movie "Eternal sunshine in spotless mind" Joal said : why do i fall in love with every woman i see who show me a least bit of attention?


A bit is also used to describe the tiny attachment to a drill.  So if you're thinking of that little drill bit, it may help you remember that a bit is "just a little".

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