Hi i need to learn how to speak english with american expration

3 Answers


Hi, have you seen this American English pronunciation software? It can help you improve your speaking skills a lot because it lets you listen to native speakers and practice American English sounds and words.

Of course, there are many other resources. If you watch American movies or listen to music in English a lot, it shouldn't be difficult for you to learn how to speak. I always suggest watching TV series with English subtitles because it helps you get used to the sound of American English, learn common expressions and improve your listening skills. There are also many interesting YouTube videos for this purpose.

How long have you been learning English? 


tiffy 7350
Practice everyday. Watch more English movies. Read more English books. Visit http://englishpracticenow.tumblr.com for some English tips.


Whatever you do, just stick to the Internet because you can find many useful stuff there. What exactly would you like to improve? Speaking skills? Overall communication skills?

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