Are these sentences correct?

  1. "What the physical features do we want to stand out"?
  2. "What should brand have a relationship with their users"?
  3. "If the brand was a person what personality would be"?
  4. "How do we want to be perceived our consumer"?
  5. "What should brand universal values represent"?
  6. "What do our client think about himself"?

2 Answers


  1. Incorrect. What physical features do we want to stand out?
  2. Incorrect. Should a (or the) brand have a relationship with its users?
  3. Incorrect. I the brand were a person what personality it would be?
  4. Incorrect. How do we want to perceive our consumer?
  5. Incorrect. What universal values should the brand represent?
  6. Incorrect. What does our client think about himself?


  1. What are the physical features that we want to stand out?
  2. What relationship should a brand have with its users?
  3. If the brand were a person, what personality would it have?
  4. How do we want to be perceived by our customer?
  5. What should the brand universal values represent?
  6. What does our client think about himself?

Your answer

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