I cant able to remember the vocabulary?  can anyone please help me out...

3 Answers


the only way to improve your ability to memorise more vocabulary ,is by reading ,try to read as much as you can ,and every time you read you'll be able to learn a new words ,if can make reading as a hobbie .then if you do this you'll find out that your capacity of words increased,and you'll become so much better than before .


Hi, the best form to learn and remember the vocabulary is reading. You can buy a book for your englhis level and read the book two or three times. You will see that your vocabulary is in your mind for much time.


tiffy 7350
Reading is one way to enhance your vocabulary. Watching English movies or listening to English music are great too. However, be careful with the slang terms used in these media. The internet also provides lots of resources to enhance your vocabulary. There are tools and pages you can subscribe to. Below are the example:





Remember: Understand the meaning of the words, not just memorize them. Try using them in simple sentences.

Good luck!

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